Spring Tournaments
This year we start the new season with a series of spring tournaments in different regions of Switzerland. The spring tournaments are one-day weekend tournaments organized by the GotCourts League, where you can play several matches against new opponents and give your season a real kick-off. All matches count towards the GotCourts rating and there are great tournament prizes to be won.
Tournaments are planned in Lucerne and Zurich.
You can register using the registration buttons on the right or directly in the GotCourts app.
Summer tournaments
This year, tournaments are scheduled in Zurich, Winterthur, Lucerne and Bern.
Whenever possible, we offer an indoor guarantee for the outdoor summer tournaments so that you can play even if the weather is bad!
Grand GotCourts League final tournament in autumn
The highlight comes in autumn: the final tournamentYou can play in your league for one of the coveted places in the GotCourts League finals from spring to autumn. An invitation will be sent to the best ten tennis players in each league. Do your best! You can expect attractive prizes and a fantastic atmosphere.
The final tournament will take place on October 19 and 20, 2024 at Hallen TC Lengg in Zurich.